Day 1: Sparkly Soul Headband Giveaway

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I've never been much of a "sparkly" girl, but I recently purchased a Sparkly Soul headband to wear for the CHaD Hero 5K as part of my costume, thinking I probably wouldn't wear it again. But now, I'm in love! I love the sparkle and the fact that it does.not.slip. I wore it all day and never had to adjust it, something I can't say of the many other headbands I have. So I'm giving one away! Want to win a Sparkly Soul headband of your own? Enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check in tomorrow for my next giveaway!

Want to get free shipping at now until 12/15 use coupon code SHIPFREE.

Are you a sparkly girl? Are headbands a must on your runs?


I love connecting with readers! You can find me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


