CHaD HEROES Welcome and Race Recap

Race morning. The clouds cleared and rain stopped just in time for the race start.

Race morning. The clouds cleared and rain stopped just in time for the race start.

This weekend our family made the two hour drive up to Hanover, NH like we have many other times. But this time it was for a great reason: to participate in the CHaD HERO Half Marathon and 5K. Ever since last year, this event has earned a special place in our hearts not just as a chance to give back and "pay it forward" for other families who will one day need CHaD, but really as a chance to celebrate our own family's journey. Last year's event was special and this year proved to be no different.

We arrived on Saturday night to attend the Heroes Welcome, a reception put on by the CHaD Community Relations Team to honor the top fundraisers.



Last year I received the award for the top individual fundraiser and this year I had the privilege of receiving that award again. I ended up raising a total of $7,231. There's a lot of effort that goes into raising a large sum of money, but that effort seems small in comparison to the gratitude I feel for the not just the doctors, nurses and staff at CHaD, but also the fundraisers who went ahead of us and made Jack's care possible. That's my goal: to make sure the care is there for another family who doesn't know yet that they need CHaD.

On Sunday morning I felt completely different than I did last year. Last year was all about a big running goal--a stretch goal that I wasn't sure I could reach. I remember being a ball of anxiety, fighting through a sleepless night and wasting precious energy feeling nervous before the race. This year was completely different: I knew I was running the 5K for fun and felt completely relaxed. I had no time goals or expectations, only the desire to go out, have fun and run comfortably.

This more relaxed approach allowed me to really have fun, to shrug off the rainy weather (which cleared off just before the start!) and simply enjoy the event. The race is so much more than a race: there's a Kid's Zone with all kinds of activities from a bouncy house to mechanical animals you can ride. It's a great family event.











We arrived at 9:30am and started off hanging out in the VIP tent: a great perk of raising over $1000 is that you get access to the VIP tent. Not only is it heated, but there's great pre and post race food (pumpkin bread and hot chili), a VIP porto potty and a table full of everything you could possibly need from chapstick, to hair elastics, to pins. Plus bobble-head hero dolls; Jack has been attached to his Hulk bobble head every since.



Last year we loved hanging out in the tent with some of the other CHaD families and Community Relations Staff and this year was no different.

Cam's Course: The morning kicks off at 11:30am with the Cam's Course the kids one mile fun run. Last year we did it as a family with Jack in the stroller and Sophia running alongside. This year we left the stroller at the tent and decided to give it a try with both of them running/walking. I stayed with Sophia and Mark with Jack. Sophia took off at a good clip and only stopped when I turned around to try and see  where Mark and Jack were.







Even after running around the VIP tent area chasing some new friends she had the energy to run the mile in 15:10! Pretty stellar for 4 year old legs! And Jack ran/walked the whole thing alongside Mark. Mark said he loved following the yellow lines and spent a good portion of the second half walking on the granite curb like it was a balance beam.







5K: Right after the fun run the 5K and Half Marathon kick off at the same time. So I bolted to the porto-potty, then made my way to the start corrals. I wasn't sure how fast I'd be running the 5K. In case you missed the Instagram reveal….I am three months pregnant and expecting our third child in early May!



I've been running slower than normal, but still keeping up with track workouts and my weekly runs, but no more than 20-25 miles a week. I knew I still had some residual fitness leftover and had managed 6:30 comfortably during RTB (at 6 weeks pregnant). I thought I might be able to run 7 min pace on a good day, but I didn't want to push it. I always run 5K's with my Timex Ironman watch and leave the Garmin at home. I like to run by feel for most of my races and this was no different. As I came through the start chute Mark called out my  name and I saw him and Jack.



I ran comfortably for the first mile and came through at 7:21. I knew there were some rolling hills to come, but I also wanted to just let my legs go a bit so I kept my cadence quick and just went with the terrain. I must have picked up some of the pace on the down hills because I came through mile 2 in 6:25. The last mile is a gradual up hill to a turn-around and then a climb in the last 800m before the finish. I tried to keep it comfortable on the hills and watch my breathing/heart rate. I don't wear a heart rate monitor, but I'm pretty in-tune with my effort. When I saw the finish line I gave a strong kick in at the end to come in at 21:18 (chip time).



This October 26th at the CHaD HERO 5K: 3 months pregnant with baby #3.






I was the fourth woman across the finish line, although had they gone by chip time instead of gun time (21:24) I would have been the third female. I ended up 1st in my AG, which was kind of fun! It's the fastest pregnant 5K I've ever run. And the most comfortable race I've ever run while pregnant (probably because I'm still pretty early in the pregnancy…most other races I've done while pregnant have been in the second and third trimester). The whole race I felt comfortable and strong and was kind of surprised that I was able to run in the 21's, I was thinking given the hilly terrain of the course and all the turns that I'd be more in the 22-23 range. But I think a little adrenaline and the fact that I haven't lost that much fitness attributed to a strong race.

After the 5K I had a chance to run around the course a bit (it criss-crosses through the Hanover Green several times, which is perfect for spectating). I caught some of my Team NUUN team members at mile 5 and then saw a few of them come through at mile 9. It was fun to be able to cheer everyone on! Out on the course my friend Kim, spied this sign next to one of the tough hills on the course and snapped a picture!



If you live in the area and ever have the chance to run this race you should! It's not just a race it's a great event that celebrates and supports families who have gone through a pretty rough journey with their children. The day is about courage and resiliency, gratitude and joy. The whole atmosphere is amazing. For me this race isn't just a race, it's a celebration of life.



You can still support the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth. Fundraising is still open click HERE to be a hero.

I want to thank Team NUUN for being total rock-stars and raising over $11,000 for CHaD Kids. Thank you to Kim, Amanda, Cassie, Sandra, Greer, Sophia, Sarah H., Ana, Candra, Brandyn, Kelsey, Amy, Laura and Kate!

And a HUGE thank you to Nuun, who not only provided hydration along the course, but was a corporate sponsor of the race and also provided fundraising incentives for Team NUUN. In case you didn't know Nuun has roots in Hanover, NH: it was created by a Dartmouth Tuck School grad. His professor told him the electrolyte tablet idea would never work…and look it hydrated over a thousand participants along the course (that criss-crosses through Dartmouth's campus) at this year's CHaD HERO!


Don't forget to enter the LÄRABAR giveaway to receive a box of 16 LÄRABAR and their grain-gree granola RENOLA. Click HERE to enter.

I love connecting with readers! You can find me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


