
So yesterday was my first baby-food-making endeavor, and it went very well and was easier than I expected. I decided to make a mixture of sweet potato and acorn squash.

I started with a small acorn squash (slightly bigger than a grapefruit) and a large sweet potato. I roasted them on a cookie sheet for about 35 minutes at 400 degrees. Next time I might leave them in a little longer (5-10 minutes) as the sweet potato was a little hard, which mean it took longer to puree in the food processor.

I then, scooped the squash and sweet potato into the food processor and added about a 1/2 cup of water.

I blended it for a while, scraping down the sides when necessary, until it was the consistency of baby food.

Then I scooped the puree into ice-cube trays...

...covered with saran-wrap, labeled them and put them in the freezer.

When it comes time for Sophia to eat her squash and potatoes, I can simply pop out a ice-cube-sized serving let it de-thaw, then serve it up, one sloppy spoonful at a time. Delicious! (Actually it was pretty delicious, I tasted it and it didn't have any of the yucky "preservative" taste that most baby food has from the additives that give it its shelf-life.)