Better with a Buddy

I am SO glad that I chose not to run with the stroller. In a field of about 1600 runners, it would have been a fight to even get to the point where I could run. I'm also glad that I decided to run with my sister: running with someone is WAY more fun that running by yourself. And the last thing that I realized today: I'm in a lot better shape than I give myself credit.

Today's 10K was FUN. My sister, Alissa, and I ran side-by-side the whole way and I was actually the one who did the pushing and encouraging (not the other way around, like I had perviously thought). It was fun to "coach" her through the race and push her to her limit. About 50 yards from the finish she said "I can't! I'm gonna puke!" To which I responded: "You can puke after you cross the finish line! Come on!" Pretty much everything I said to her during the race is what I say to myself when I'm racing alone, except this time it was out-loud. We finished in 56:17, equating to 9:04 minute/miles. Not too shabby for a first 10K, on Alissa's part.

Alissa didn't puke when she crossed the finish line (I'm quite experienced with puke these days, so it wouldn't have bothered me, I might have even caught it with the burp cloth), but she did feel as if she might faint. Which honestly, when I run a race really hard, is about how I feel. But this time, when I crossed the finish line and felt like I could run more. Even now, I feel like I could do it all over again--and faster. Which made me realize that I really am in a lot better shape than I think I am.

Even though I know I could have done it faster it is better with a buddy. I should run with people more often, I might be a happier runner: it counter balances that inner critic.

My training partner and cheer-squad mascot: Miss Sophia Jewel. How can you not love that face?

Smiles at mile one.

"I'm gonna puke!"