So busy I need a Plan

Now that the weather is warm and sunny my days have become increasingly busy, our weekends almost overwhelmingly so. If it is nice I want to go somewhere and do something, last year it rained almost every day of May and June. I did nothing (I was also pregnant and working, so I didn't have much energy for much else).

Unfortunately my days have less and less included running, and the only race in sight is a 10K in two weeks. I haven't been inactive. On the days that I can't run, I've been doing yoga videos or weight workouts at home. Which is good, but I went for a run yesterday and felt painfully slow. So disappointing. Through not running at least three or four times a week, I think I've lost some of the speed that I had acquired coming off the half-marathon.

That is the thing about running. It takes so long to build up endurance and increase speed, and you can loose it so quickly, in a matter of days, by not running. This does not bode well for my 10K performance.

Since I seem to have fallen off the running wagon, I created a new plan for myself on Monday night. Yes, a PLAN. I like plans. This plan is as much about running as it is loosing those last few pounds before I have to put on a bathing suit. My plan includes both a workout schedule and reigning in the brownies and red wine. It looks something like this:

Monday: Weight Training (Shoulders/ Biceps/ Triceps)

Tuesday: Running (Hill Workout)

Wednesday: Weight Training (Legs)

Thursday: Running (Long Run)

Friday: Weight Training (Chest, Back, Abs)

Saturday: Running (Speed)

Sunday: REST

So far this week, so good. I did Monday and Tuesday's workouts, today is going to be a challenge though. Between a visit to Grandma's house, Sophia's naps and working tonight I have to find the time to either get to the gym or go out to the yard. I'm hoping that at least having a "plan" will help me get back into competitive mode--that and maybe I need to pick a few more races.