Semi-Custom Run Coaching

Semi-Custom Run Coaching

$90.00 every month

Join Sarah's coaching roster for a semi-custom month-to-month training program. With Perimenopause Training, Adventure Ready Training, Marathon, and Half Marathon, options available, each program can be tailored to your personal goals. These programs provide semi-custom training based on your responses to the New Athlete Questionnaire and offer the guidance of a running coach without the cost of one-on-one coaching.

Each plan delivers distance or goal-specific run, strength, and cross-training for all running levels from beginner to advanced, and strength training designed to gain fitness and help you reach your goals. These plans are customized based on your feedback in the initial athlete intake process to help maximize effectiveness and prevent injury.

These programs can be joined anytime and include coaching support via weekly emails, a private Facebook group, and feedback through Training Peaks.

What’s Included:

  • Monthly training for the duration of the program with the option to extend semi-custom coaching on a month-to-month basis following the completion of the program.

  • monthly distance or goal-specific run, strength, and cross-training delivered through the Training Peaks App.

  • strength training + prehab routines customized to the athlete

  • weekly check-ins via Training Peaks and email

  • weekly athlete email

  • access to monthly “Office Hours” for checking in and planning

  • pre-race email for guidance with goal setting, pacing, nutrition, and race day mental prep

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