Inspiring Running Quotes to Keep you Motivated

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If you're feeling your running mojo wavering and you're in need of a little pick-me up, these inspiring running quotes are sure to lift you up help bring back a little motivation. These are ten quotes that I have written throughout my training log and in my journal to help me stay focused and motivated when my self-talk turns negative.[Tweet "Check out @runfargirl's favorite inspirational #running quotes"]

Mental Game

Inspirational Running Quotes

I feel like reading an inspiring running quote really helps me hone my mental game and shift my focus towards something positive. It reminds me of other people who have found strength within and been able to overcome their own negative thoughts to achieve great things.Want to hone your mental game even more? Check out my Race Day Mental Strength Workbook. 

Download the 10 Inspirational Running Quotes PDF

Learn from the Best

So many of the quotes that I've found inspiring have come from women who have accomplished amazing things, like Sally McRae transforming herself into a pro ultra runner or Deena Kastor gaining an Olympic medal in the marathon. These women have worked so hard for their achievements, their journey can be a lesson to us all. It's no wonder we look to them for inspiring quotes.[Tweet "Quick your running into gear with these 10 Inspiring Running Quotes "]

The Goal of the Goal

The overwhelming theme from so many inspiring running quotes is that it is the journey that's important. While so many people we frequently quote have achieved great things, the wisdom and knowledge have come from the process. It's really the hard work, overcoming setbacks and failures that teach us the most. The outcome is a fixed moment in time that is so often influenced by uncontrollable factors. But the process, the journey that falls under our control and when we find joy in THAT we really can achieve great thingsWhat is your favorite inspiring running quote?-SarahI love to hang out on Instagram follow me there. I send out a weekly newsletter every with exclusive content that doesn't appear here on the blog or anywhere else! Want me in your inbox every Monday? Join my list HERE.Or connect with me here, I love getting emails from readers!Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot]