3 Glute Activation Drills to do Before Your Next Run
Often times runners are plagued by injury because muscles that should be working aren't. That weakness leads to imbalances and ultimately injury. Weak glutes are a notorious problem for runners so glute strengthening exercises are a priority, so are activation drills prior to running.
Taking the time to do several glute activation drills before starting your run will warm up the muscles, engage the neuromuscular pathways and help you continue to use the "correct" muscles during your run. Here are few moves to do before your next run:
[Tweet "Add these 3 drills to your pre-run warm up and start using the "right" muscles #runstrong"]
Do two sets of ten reps on each side prior to a run to help your glutes fire more effectively while running.
Donkey Kicks
On hands and knees, keeping the knee flexed, raise it up and back engaging the gluten as you do so.
Glute activation drills for runners
Glute activation drills for runners
Single Leg Glute Bridges
Lay on your back and draw your knees up, so your feet are flat on the floor. Extend one leg out in front of you, keeping one knee in the bent position. Pushing off from the floor with the foot that is planted, raise your hips up towards the ceiling making sure to engage your core.
Glute activation drills for runners
Lateral Band Walks
In a half squat position, place a band around your ankles and side step laterally, keeping tension on the band.
Glute activation drills for runners
Do you do any drills or dynamic stretching before your runs?
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