Hood x Handle Bar: my first spin class experience
hood handle bar spin class experience
This post was created in partnership with Hood and is a sponsored review of their products. All opinions expressed here are my own.
"I want you to visualize that hill. Find that strength. Here we go!"
Heads bobbed, legs churned to the beat of the music at the Handle Bar Indoor Cycling Studio as our instructor, Candice Peak called out instructions and encouragement.
I closed my eyes even though the room was dark and pictured myself above the tree-line of my favorite mountain race churning towards the finish. On the bike next to me, my mom (a spin class pro) powered up her hill, clearly working harder than I was [obvs this girl gets it from her mama;)].
[Tweet "My first spin class @the_handle_bar with @hphood was one to remember! #ad #HPHoodEats #HoodPartner #wildfire451"]
hood handle bar spin class experience
Hood x Handle Bar
Thanks to Hood, I got one of the best possible first-timer spin class experiences possible.
Surrounded by a group of influencers and their plus-ones, we worked through a tough 45-min class that included a tough segment with a six- pound bar weight - that was probably my favorite part!
hood handle bar spin class experience
I've never been to a spin class before and I loved the way that Candice made the class inviting and challenging at the same time. You really could tailor the work to what you were up for, I could see spin as a really great asset for building leg strength.
Protein Fix
After getting our sweat-on we got our protein fix at the Hood Cottage Cheese Bar. I went straight for the Maple & Vanilla flavored Cottage Cheese (who wouldn't?) and topped it with berries and granola. In addition to some of their sweet flavors, there was also a sampling of Hood's savory cottage cheeses including Cucumber and Dill-perfect for dipping veggies!
hood handle bar spin class experience
With 11g of protein, a serving of the Maple & Vanilla cottage cheese was a perfect post-workout pick-me-up and quick dinner stand-in since it took two hours in Boston rush-hour traffic (ugh!) to get to the class.
Hood products are easy to find at our local supermarket, making it easy to stock-up on their single-serve options or 16 oz sizes, including my personal fave, the Maple & Vanilla. Or if I want the add-ons to shine, Hood Country Style (pPlain) Cottage Cheese is a great choice for refueling after my morning runs with 13 grams of protein per serving, and it’s packed with calcium.
hood handle bar spin class experience
[Tweet "Get your post-workout protein fix with @hphoods single-serve options #ad #hphoodeats #hoodpartner #wildfire451"]
With ten delicious flavors, there's something for every craving at any time of day. Check out some of Hood's sweet and savory offerings as well as recipe ideas on their website or look for them in your local grocer's dairy case.
hood handle bar spin class experience
What do you like to pair with your cottage cheese?
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