30 Minute Strength Workout for Runners

We all know that strength training is complimentary to running. But if you've ever been injured and found yourself in physical therapy, what you may have discovered is that strength training isn't just complimentary to running it is ESSENTIAL to avoiding injury and running strong. Increases overall volume and intensity can bring to light structural weaknesses and imbalances, possibly sidelining a runner with injury. Taking time during the week to address major areas of weakness (core, hips and glutes) can prevent injury in the long run.

Here's a quick guide to getting in a 30 min workout:

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Getting Started

Familiarize yourself with each move. A quick YouTube search should yield how to properly perform each exercise.

Choose three exercises from each column. For Example:

Lower Body: pendulum lunge, single leg deadlift, body weight squat

Core: bridge, side plank w/ leg raise, bird dog

Upper Body: Kettlebell row, reverse fly, push up

Create your workout

Now group them into sets of three, with one exercises from each column:

Set 1: 

pendulum lunge


kettelbell row

Set 2: 

single leg deadlift

side plank w/ leg raise

reverse fly

Set 3: 

body weight squat

bird dog

push up

Perform each exercise, as many reps as you can for one minute each. Repeat each set three times before moving to the next set. For a higher intensity workout, don't include any rest between exercises or sets.

Do this workout twice a week before or after an easy run.

Have you ever been injured? Did it change the way you looked at strength training? What are your go-to strength training moves?


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