Training Updates: step back weeks and sunrise runs
Training Update Run Far Girl
Looking at the calendar, it is hard to believe that the snowshoe racing season is winding down. The last race is this weekend in Woodford, VT. This is the first time I've raced with so much frequency. Even with some of the snowshoe race cancellations in early February, I managed to race four weekends in a row with two weekends featuring double headers where I raced on both Saturday and Sunday.
I'm glad I've had my coach, Chris Dunn to help me navigate through the season. I probably would have tried to increase mileage or at least maintain a higher weekly mileage while doing all this racing, which I think could have led to injury. Instead, Chris has had me trade higher mileage for a higher intensity. It's also much easier to bounce back from snowshoe racing since the impact isn't as much as running on roads or trails.
I'll cap of this week's training with the race and then head into a two week "transition period," that has no structured training. I'm basically free to take days off, run, workout, hike, bike or do whatever feels best for the next two weeks. It's a nice way to take a break mentally and physically and not have specific training planned.
Here's how last week and this week shaped up:
Monday Feb 27
(This was a "recovery" week, where I drop down in mileage. These weeks occur every four weeks and I find them to be hugely beneficial.)
Planned: Easy Recovery or Crosstrain
run far girl
Actual: 3.21 miles @ 9:39 min/mi
I felt pretty tired on this run and just went slow with what felt good for my body. After a weekend double header it always feels good to shake out the legs.
Tuesday Feb 28 REST DAY
Wednesday March 1
Planned: 20 min run with 4 x (20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds jog)
Actual: 21:29, 2.43 miles @ 8:50 avg
Ran a 12 minute warm up and then the Tabatas. My legs felt zippy and fresh, which was a nice feeling to have knowing that they had bounced back from a weekend of racing. I cooled down for about 10 minutes.
run far girl
Thursday March 2
Planned: 20 min easy run and 20 minutes of strength
Actual: 23:20, 2.47 mi, @ 9:26 min/mi
20 Min Strength:
Bridges (double and single leg)
"Table tops" (side lying leg pulses forward and backward)
Bird dogs
Plank with toe taps
Plank with knee to elbow
5 minutes of stretching and ankle mobility. I use the stretches in these videos:
run far girl
Friday March 3
Planned: 20 min shake out
Actual: 24:18, 2.68 mi @ 9:04 min/mi
My legs felt fresh and I tried to keep it really easy and my heart rate really low and comfortable.
Saturday March 4 REST DAY
Sunday March 5
Planned: Granite State Snowshoe Championships
Warm-up 1.02 in 7:59 (Normally my warm ups are pretty slow, so this was kind of a fast warm up. My legs felt really fresh and ready to go.)
Race: 5.25 mi, 45:28, 8:39 min/mi I was as fresh as I could be and gave this race everything I could mentally and physically. You can find my race recap HERE.
Cool-Down: 1.35 mi, 13:46 @ 11:10 min/mi
Photo Courtesy of Gianina Lindsey
Monday March 6
Planned: 30 Easy Recovery or Crosstrain
Actual: 30:07, 3.13 mi @ 9:37 min/mi
I felt creaky and old on this run. There were some steep downhills and not a lot of powder on the Championship course and so I feel like my body got a pounding because I was sprinting the downhills hard. My whole left side from hip to knee felt really tight (ITB and piriformis). That day I scheduled a chiropractic appointment and a massage I find that if I can get in for "maintenance" work then I avoid injuries.
I spent a bit of time after this run stretching and doing some mobility drills, which loosened things up quite a bit. I've used this video and this video to create a bit of a routine.
run far girl
Tuesday March 7
Planned: 45 min Easy Run and 45 min Strength
Actual: 46:54, 5.02 mi @ 9:21 min/mi
Felt much better on this run and it was a nice relaxed pace, hip was a bit sore when I returned but spent a good amount of time stretching and rolling.
3 sets, 20 reps each or each side
Plank w/ toe taps
Plank w/ knees to elbows
Bird dog
Prone leg raise
Bridge double and single leg
side lunge
Squat jumps with weight
side steps with band
KB swing
KB row
Rev. fly
run far girl
Wednesday March 8
Planned: 30 min with 4 x (20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds jog)
Actual: 33:49 mi, 3.75 @9:01 min/mi
These capris are from You can get 10% off with code "runfargirl"
I felt pretty tired going into this run but I was wearing new capris so that always helps! The ocean was pretty angry and I like when that happens on the days that I have to run fast, the energy of the waves slamming into the sea wall is kind of contageous. I started my max effort sprints and felt light and zippy. The cool down was really relaxed and easy.
Thursday March 9
Absolutely no filter on this one.
Planned: 30 min easy run and 45 min strength
Actual: 33:37, 3.73 mi @ 9:00
I went to bed on Wednesday night feeling like a sore throat was lurking. When the alarm went off Thursday morning I debated rolling over and going back to sleep-I didn't have a sore throat, but I did feel run down. I got up anyway and headed out for my run. Once I was running I felt fine, but when I got back I sat down to stretch a bit before starting my strength session and then laid down on the living room floor and didn't move for a bit. I just had that head-cold-tired feeling that you get when you feel a cold coming on. I did a little bit of core and glute strength and called it quits. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's rest day and hopefully feeling better.
5 sets, 20 reps
Plank with toe taps
plank with knees to elbows
bridge with leg lift.
Friday March 10 REST DAY
Saturday March 11
Planned: 20 min shake out
Sunday March 12
Planned: Northeast Snowshoe Championships in Woodford, VT.
It's the last race of the season!
What do you do when you feel a cold coming on?
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Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com