Training Update: trusting the plan and the building stage
Training Update Run Far Girl
It's been a while since I've shared a training update. I guess since I don't have any goal races on the calendar yet I wasn't thinking of my training as anything "special" or interesting. But I am building towards something, even though I don't have a specific goal in mind and sometimes it's good to see the "building" stages, because it isn't always glamorous or impressive-no staggeringly high mileage or crazy mile repeats. But the building phase is the work that leads to the big breakthroughs and PR's.
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I've been working with Chris Dunn for 10 weeks now and it has been really nice to have someone else calling the shots. Working with a coach is great because they keep the bigger picture in mind. Sometimes I feel like I could be doing far more: more miles, harder workouts etc. But I trust Chris' methodology and that it will get me to my goal races this summer injury free and ready to race.
Here's what my training has looked like so far this week:
Training Update Run Far Girl
Planned: 4 miles total with 2 miles at 10k pace (7:05 +/-)
Sometimes these early morning workouts feel impossible when I'm lacing up my shoes. Like how can you go from cozy-in-your-bed to 10K pace in the span of 45 minutes. But after the warm up I usually forget about how tired I am and somehow manage to hit the prescribed paces.
Actual: 1 miles warm up (8:37), 2 miles at 10K (6:55, 7:03), 1 mile cool down (9:21). 4.01 miles total.
Planned: 45 min recovery and 45 min strength training
The morning of this run my left calf and ankle around the achilles was feeling extremely tight and sore. It's been mildly tight for a few weeks, but hasn't bothered me to much and I've been meaning to get in to see the chiropractor and massage therapist for maintenance. Once I warmed up it was OK, but it felt sore for the rest of Monday. I opted to take a rest day on Tuesday.
I spent the day icing periodically and foam rolling the calf area.
Planned: 30 minutes tabatas: 10 min warm up, 2 x (4x20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds jog), 10-15 min cool down
I woke up on Wednesday with my calf feeling better, the soreness had moved from my ankle to the belly of the calf. Weird. But a good sign that the discomfort is muscular and not tendinitis--although muscular discomfort can often be a precursor to tendinitis which is why I'm still headed to the Chiropractor, the massage therapist and have toyed with a preventative visit to the physical therapist.
Wednesday tabatas went well, no discomfort in the leg, but the strides weren't as zippy as I would have liked.
Actual: 1.78 warm up, 2 x (4x20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds jog), 2 mile cool down. 4.59 miles total.
Planned: 30 easy and 45 min cross training
Easy run calf seemed pretty happy, not too much tightness in the lower calf. Tend to go on auto pilot on these easy runs and zone out. 3.45 miles total.
Strength Trianing: 3 sets, 2o reps of each exercise performed in pairs
KB swing, KB row Side plank, spider plank wreck bag burpee, squat pike, ab twist bridge, clam shell, leg raise bi curl, tri kick back
Training Update Run Far Girl
Planned: Rest
Actual: Easy run. Wanted to get out and keep the calf loose and active, so opted for an easy run today since I took a rest day on Tuesday. Continuing with mobility exercises for the ankle and lots of stretching and foam rolling. Making a visit to the chiropractor later today! 3.07 Miles
Planned: Moose Mountain Runaround Snowshoe race ~4.0 Miles
Planned: Crosstrain or Rest
Last week I opted to sleep in on Sunday morning, which meant that I didn't have time later in the day to get out and do anything because of our family's schedule (we went to the movies, where I got head butted by my toddler and now have a black eye-awesome.)
Total Mileage: Probably around 20 or so, which doesn't feel like enough, but I'm trusting the plan...or trying to.
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