I must be a HERO and I need your help
chad runfargirl
On October 16, 2016 I'm going to lace up my racing shoes and run the CHaD HERO Half Marathon. This year will mark the fourth year our family has participated in the CHaD HERO Event and the second year I'll be running the half marathon, and I'm gunning for redemption.
[Tweet "It's Jack who inspires me to be a HERO #makeadifference @chadkids"]
For those of you who have followed my journey from the beginning, you've heard the story of my little son Jack. Now nearly four years old Jack is a healthy, happy and quite mischievous boy. But his entry into the world was surrounded by uncertainty. (You can read more about Jack's story HERE.)
Jack was born with a rare congenital birth defect called a giant melanocytic nevus, a potential cancerous mole that covered 80% of his back.
Undetected by ultrasound, we were shocked to learn that there was something "wrong" with our son.
His first few months of life were filled with appointments with various specialist until we finally found ourselves at The Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. There we met with a pediatric plastic surgeon and discussed Jack's future. While an MRI had ruled out the possibility of his condition being the more complicated NCM (neurocutaneous melanosis) which is often fatal and his prognosis was good, we still had a long road ahead of us.
We were suddenly flung into the world of children's hospitals: that secret society of moms and dads and families who are going through a living hell of hurt and pain.
I felt compelled to do something. Our own struggled seemed to pale in comparison to the families who might not walk away from the hospital with a happy and healthy child, like we were able to do.
I didn't want to just sit back and feel gratitude, I wanted to make a real, tangible difference.
[Tweet ".@runfargirl wants to make a tangible difference? Will you help her? #chadkids"]
I started raising money for the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. My mission was to make a small difference so that when an unsuspecting family like ours is suddenly flung into that world of hurt and pain, the care that could possible provide hope and healing is available to them.
CHaD HERO Event 2014
I've been fundraising for the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock for the last three years and have raised $17,533.
Actually it is silly to say that "I have raised" that money because really it has come from friends, family and readers of my blog. Seriously, my blog readers have probably donated 75% of that total. And it's been little amounts $5, $10 and $15. It doesn't take much to make a difference and I'd love your help.
Please consider donating to the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock to help make sure the care we received continues to be available for families who need it.
[Tweet "Please help @runfargirl make a difference for @chadkids"]
My goal this year is to raise $2000 and with your help I can get there. You can donate by clicking the graphic below:
<a href="http://chad.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=7364">Make a Donation!</a>
That is still my mission today and I'd love if you would help me make a difference!