6 Hill Workouts for Runners
Head for the hills with these 6 hill workouts for runners to gain strength, speed and confidence in your running!
I'm a fan of hill workouts, they are a low impact way to build cardiovascular fitness. So they are perfect for postpartum runners or runners looking to increase cardiovascular fitness without hitting the track. This month our round up is featuring six great hill workouts.
[Tweet "Embrace the HIll with these 6 hill workouts for runners @happyfitmama @vitatrain4life @carlypizzani @thisrunrecipes @bklynactivemama "]
I've incorporated some lunge jumps and walking lunges into my workout. These will help build some power and leg strength. And even though you'll be running the hill repeats on pretty tired legs after the lunge jumps your body will really benefit from the hard workout.
Check out these great hill workouts for runners:
Like this one from Nellie at BrooklynActiveMama:
Or this hilly tempo run from Laura at this Runner's Recipes:
Try this one from Allie at VitaTrain4Life:
Give this one from Carly at FineFitDaily a try:
Check out this one from Angela at HappyFitMama:
Embrace the Hill!
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