Friday Finds: wacky weather and a new roller
The best in running and health this week from
I'm taking over Women's Running Magazine's Instagram account today and tomorrow! Be sure to follow @womensrunning on IG to follow along on my race weekend.
This weekend I'll be heading up to the White Mountains to run up the Northeast's highest peak: Mt. Washington. It'll be a challenge for sure, and I can't wait! While the forecast is looking good for race day, the past week has been a little crazy, for which the mountain is well-known. In addition to keeping my eye on the weather here are a few other things that caught my attention this week:
Mount Washington
The mountain has notoriously bad weather, that often when combined with inexperience and poor choices can be fatal. This is what it was like up there this week:
Get Naked on Your Run
I love this post from my friend Christina. I'm usually to self-conscious to ditch my shirt in the summer. Things like, I can't pull this off or If only my abs were less, post-three-kids-looking. But her words are encouraging: who cares? And why should I care and be so self-conscious? The answer is I shouldn't and neither should you. If you get a chance it is worth a read.
Trigger Pin
Trigger Pin
A few weeks back my husband bought the Trigger Pin. Out of all of the foam rollers we have I've been using this one almost exclusively. I find that it is really effective especially on the IT Band and on my piriformis. It's better than a foam roller or our the PVC pipe I sometimes use. I love too, that they are made in New Hampshire.
Rehabbing Postpartum Abs
Getting your body up and running after a baby is hard work, but thanks to this great article from Sarah Robison detailing Stephanie Bruce's routine you can get a leg up on getting your body running strong and ready for hard efforts. I've incorporated all these moves into my postpartum comeback and continue to include them in my weekly routine.
Awkward 80's
In celebration of their 50th anniversary Runner's World published 13 of their most awkward covers. They are pretty funny and worth a look. Weren't we all awkward in the 80's ha!
Photo Credit: Runner's World
In case you haven't voted yet, I'm still in the running to be on the "Most Interesting Team in the World" to run Ragnar Reach the Beach with Nick Symmonds. I'd love your vote! Vote HERE.
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