Loving Lately: Running Gear Essentials
Essential running gear and where to get them for cheap. RunFarGirl.com
This post is not sponsored. Most of the gear listed here I purchased on my own. Other products were provided for review purposes. As always, all opinions are my own.
Every so often I stumble upon running gear that I absolutely LOVE. They are pieces that make me wonder how I ever ran without them. Here are a few items that are topping my list lately:
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Saucony Bullet Short and Capri
Saucony Bullet tight short
By far the best purchases I've made when it comes to running apparel have been the Saucony Bullet Short and Capri. I've had the shorts for a couple years and just purchased the capris last month. The Bullet Short are my go-to shorts for races that require carrying GU simply because the generous pockets hold two GU's each. The capris are no different the mesh pocket is perfect for a cell phone or to stash a GU. I wore the shorts for the Boston marathon and the back pocket carried my phone and the two side pockets held my GU's. You really can't go wrong in these shorts. And the capris are just a longer version perfect for cooler weather. You can find the older style shorts (the ones pictured above) on Amazon.com. The capris are also available on Amazon.com, Saucony.com and many other online retailers.
Saucony Bullet Tight Capri
Features Socks
Feetures Socks
Whenever I have an "important run" or a race I always reach for my Features socks. You can always tell your favorite gear by what's left in the drawer when you haven't done laundry for a while. I've amassed quite a collection and they recently sent me a pair of their latest Elite Max Cushion sock. Typically I don't like cushioned socks because they feel bulky and make my shoes fit more snuggly, but these were nice. Really nice. Plus how can you not love the bright colors? My favorite place to grab Feetures socks is at my local running store, Runner's Alley. If your local running store doesn't carry Feetures a great place to get them is RunningWarehouse.com.
Dr. Cool Headband
Dr. Cool Studio Headband
It's kind of become my thing: the Dr. Cool headband. For the most part I've always worn a headband to keep flyaway hairs at bay, but postpartum your hair takes on a whole new level of crazy. What started as a cover up has turned into a comfort thing. I like wearing the headband. It keeps everything put, looks kind of badass if you're of the opinion that wearing a headband is kind of badass (or maybe you're of the opinion that it looks ridiculous and then it is NOT badass...I'm pretty sure I'm always hovering somewhere between being badass and ridiculous, but mostly ridiculous). The headband also keeps the sweat out of my eyes. And now that I've had three PR races wearing it...it's kind of a good luck thing. You can find Dr. Cool headbands and other accessories at Dr.CoolRecovery.com. Use code "sarah20" at checkout to get 20% off.
Brooks Essential Run Vest III Running Vest
Brooks Essential Run Vest III
I snagged this vest at TJ Maxx for $20. I couldn't believe my luck. I'd been looking for a vest and had even ordered a Nike vest off Amazon, it turned out to be all kinds of wrong. There was a reason it was cheap. It was like a dress had crossed with a racerback tank and Nike decided to call it a running vest. Totally un-wearable. But as soon as I had packed that up and slapped the return label on it I came across this vest at TJ Maxx and I've been wearing it all the time. It is the perfect layer for spring the season masquerading as slightly warmer winter running in New England. I'm not sure how I ever survived without a running vest. The Brooks Essential Run Vest III is no longer available at BrooksRunning.com but you can find it at LLBean.com, or you can search your local TJMaxx or Marshall's.
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What gear are you loving lately?
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