I dropped the "clothing ball"

When Sophia was a baby I changed her outfit frequently. Every day was a chance to dress her up in the oodles of cute clothes she had. And when her hair was long enough there were bows and barrettes and headbands. She was my first baby. A friend of mine, who recently had her first baby asked me "How do you do it all? Seriously, I can't even imagine having three?" The truth is I don't do it all. I'm pretty sure Liam has worn the same onesie for the past three days. I mean if it doesn't have poop on it, why change it? And yesterday when we went to the chiropractor Jack had no clothes on. None. He burned through two outfits at our playdate prior to the chiropractor appointment (some days potty training is going great, other days not so much) so all he wore was a Pull-Up...and Crocs. Thank God our chiropractor is an understanding Dad of two little boys, with a third on the way. He commiserated with me, but I also think I scared him a little bit.

I must have looked like I needed help, because when I went to leave everyone sitting in the waiting room jumped up at the same time to open the door for us. On the way home, Jack suddenly cried out "Where are my pants?!" as if he'd just noticed that he'd been out and about with barely a thread on his body.

[Tweet "I juggle a lot of balls...yesterday I dropped the "clothing ball" #motherhood"]

It's true, I juggle a lot of balls--maybe too many. Yesterday I dropped the "clothing ball." And that happens to be a really obvious ball so everyone notices when you drop it. Oh, God that poor girl she couldn't even manage to dress her kid today. I mean if you drop the "laundry ball," whose going to see the mountain in your basement. And it's not like you're going to Instagram a picture of that night you dropped the "dinner ball" and ordered pizza and mozzarella sticks and chicken wings.

I wish I could have taken a picture of us all in our disheveled, pant-less crew. I mean I would have but I probably would have dropped the phone. I chuckled to myself on the way home. This is life. Right here. Right now. It's messy, but it's mine and I love it. And I love my pants-peeing, Pull-Up wearing little boy and his feisty older sister who doesn't always cooperate (and sometimes instigates) and their sweet little brother who's rocking the onesie from Wednesday.

motherhood musings

motherhood musings

We all have a lot of balls that we juggle and we don't always juggle them well and that's OK. There isn't one "right" way to do this life. The things that make us feel shame and guilt are usually just the result of misplaced expectations and skewed perspectives. We're all learning as we go. It's OK to drop the ball. You pick it up and try again, it's not a "failure" it just is.

[Tweet "It's OK to drop the ball. You pick it up and try again. @runfargirl reflecting on #motherhood"]

We got home from the chiropractor and my back felt a million times better and Jack got some pants and we all collapsed on the couch to breath. And then a few moments later while rummaging through my purse, I found a dry set of Jack's underwear and shorts. So maybe I didn't drop the clothing ball I just misplaced it;)


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