RUN'STOCK 24: New England's Newest Relay



If you've ever run a relay then you know the fun that can be had when you bring a bunch of running friends (or running strangers) together. And if you've never run a relay then it needs to go on your bucket list. The camaraderie and fun you'll experience will have you looking up the next possible relay moments after your team crosses the finish line.

If you're looking for a relay to run this summer, there's a new kid on the block: RUN'STOCK 24, a 24 hour relay held at the Gunstock Ski Area in Gilford, NH this June 20th and 21st.

[Tweet "RUNSTOCK 24. New England's newest relay race hosted @GunstockMtn"]

The concept is simple: gather your friends (or a few stranger who will soon become friends) and see how many five-mile loops your team can run in a 24 hour period. No need for rental vans or gas money or driving through the night or getting lost, since you'll be going in and out of the same transition area with every loop. And the race starts at noon on Saturday, so no pre-dawn drive to the start line! Just set up camp, run and have fun!



View from atop Gunstock Mountain.

View from atop Gunstock Mountain.

RUN'STOCK 24  is put on by Big Lake Events, the same event company that puts on my favorite half marathon: the Big Lake Half Marathon. Always well organized, well staffed, runner and family friendly, their races are a must-run. And I'm sure RUN'STOCK 24 will be no exception. I've teamed up with them to offer you an exclusive registration discount. So if you're thinking about it be sure to pull your team together and register by May 10th to take advantage of the discount!

[Tweet "I want to run the inagural #RUNSTOCK24 relay @GunstockMtn"]

Sound like fun? Here are the details:

Location: Gunstock Mountain Resort Gilford, New Hampshire

Date and Time: Start on Saturday 6/20 at 12pm and finish on Sunday 6/21 at 12pm--then join in fun at the after party!

Cost: An eight person team is $920 and a four person team is $500

Register by 5/10/15 using code: RUN FAR 5 [please include the spaces] and receive 5% off your registration fee!

[Tweet "Grab a few friends and sign up to run RUNSTOCK24 relay. Use @runfargirl's coupon code for a discount"]

To register click HERE.

Not only is RUN'STOCK 24 a fun event, but they are also helping Wounded Wear a charity whose mission is to help wounded soldiers by providing free clothing and modifications.

Be sure to head on over to Big Lake Event's Facebook page for up to date race information and other great events!

Have you ever done a relay?


I love connecting with readers! You can find me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


