Life Lately and Gender Reveal



On Monday we had our fetal survey ultrasound. Most importantly, everything measured normal and checked out OK and we also found out the gender...little Baby Canney is a BOY! Although I had a feeling it was a boy since the beginning, over the past few months I'd begun to think it was a girl. I guess that first gut feeling was right! Now we just have to come up with a name...

Sophia made a name tag for the nameless baby.

Sophia made a name tag for the nameless baby.

The kids have been sick these past few days: a nasty fever and sore throat I think they picked up over the weekend. So we've been laying low and I've been pumping them full of some immune boosting smoothies and popsicles (I'll have recipes on the blog next week!) I'm hoping that whatever it is they have I won't catch, we've got a big Christmas surprise planned for them this weekend (in lieu of gifts under the tree) and it would be terrible if we were all sick. Crossing my fingers and drinking my smoothies.

Immune booster smoothies to sooth sore throats. Recipes coming next week.

Immune booster smoothies to sooth sore throats. Recipes coming next week.

My running club, The Rochester Runners had their end of year meeting last night where have food, fun and a Yankee Swap (for those of you don't speak New England this is equivilant to White Elephant...wicked fun). I wasn't able to stay long because I wanted to get home to my sick kiddos, but I was named by the club officers as the "Female Runner of the Year." I feel really honored and excited. Since joining the club in 2011 my running has improved drastically and I'm so grateful to be a part of a supportive community of people who share my passion for running. Last year I was named awarded "Most Improved" and this year to be named "Female Runner of the Year" is a huge honor.

Since lamenting a lack of motivation in Monday's post I've since regained a bit of motivation thanks to a great run on Monday morning. There was something about the crisp cold air and the sunrise that really energized me, and the fact that I just felt strong and for the most part effortless (as effortless as you can feel at 19 weeks pregnant. It was exactly the kind of run I needed to get me wanting to be back out there on the road.





My week also included a poop-painting by my son, multiple baths and a lots of nose wiping. So it hasn't all been sunrises and smoothies:)

Don't forget TODAY is the LAST DAY to enter the 12 Days of Giving! Enter HERE. I'll announce winners tomorrow!

What's going on with you lately?


I love connecting with readers! You can find me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


