Lacking Motivation



Lately I've been lacking motivation. I've been running every day and working out, but it feels kind of empty without a big goal to work towards. All of my running goals are on hold until after Baby #3 makes his or her appearance in May. And thanks to slippery conditions most of my runs have been on the treadmill, which certainly sucks the joy out of running since what I love most about running is being outside.

I found myself wondering if the motivation will come back? Wondering if after number three I'll have the energy to set big running goals again or if I'll be too overwhelmed by mothering three children. I can remember feeling the same way before Jack arrived, wondering if I would ever have the time and energy to run with TWO kids. At first I felt swallowed up, the transition from one kid to two was a big one. One I struggled with at first. But slowly I got the hang of it,  it all worked out and I found a nice balance and the time to train for those big running goals (thanks mostly to my hugely supportive husband).

There's a part of me that is worried I'll feel swallowed up again, except triple fold.  It's not a feeling I'd like to repeat and I'm sure has more to do with postpartum hormones than the reality of the situation. But still, the worry is there and it feels real. It will be another life transition to welcome a third child into our family, I'm excited but kind of afraid. Change can be hard, especially for someone like me who likes to have a predictable schedule and a handle on what's going on (as in I like to be in control and have things my way).

I'm hoping that by not setting any major running goals just yet I'll allow myself a more relaxed transition and be able to ease into life with three a little more readily than I did with two. I hoping that sometime next summer, after we've settled in as a family of five, the motivation will reappear and I'll feel hungry again for those big goals.

What keeps you motivated? How do you handle big life changes? If you're a mom, have you ever felt swallowed up? How did you manage to take care of yourself during that time.


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Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


