Half Time: Lunching Awesome!

This post was created in partnership with Stonyfield. All opinions are my own. Our Tuesdays typically involve a morning trip to Storytime at the Library and then a trip to the grocery store to get groceries for the week. We leave Storytime close to 11, have a quick snack and try to get through the grocery store before we all get hangry. Once we get home we're all more than ready for lunch, often times I'll grab something quick at the grocery store for the kids so they can eat lunch while I put away the perishable foods. More often than not it's something that isn't entirely healthy for them, like a Lunchable. But we're all so hungry and it seems so easy, so I go with it. Thankfully from now on I can reach for something that is a little more nutritionally substantial and doesn't have all the nitrates, preservatives and artificial ingredients that are in a Lunchable.
Thanks to a collaberation between Stonyfield, Applegate and Annies I can now reach for Half Time lunches on a busy Tuesday. Earlier this month we were sent a sampling of the new product that will be available in stores soon (or may already be depending on your location).
Sophia and I tore into them (we were both hangry) and easily devoured the delicious contents. Turns out the Half Time boxes make a perfect afternoon snack too! Right now there are three options to choose from: bologna, turkey and ham. All of them feature a Stonyfield Squeeze Yogurt an Annie's snack product and delicious lunch meats and cheeses from Applegate.
I love that I can grab something quick and easy and feel good about the fact that the ingredients are going provide optimal nutrition to my kids. I've been lobbying my grocery store to carry these as soon as possible, since I can't seem to get enough either! If you're busy and on the go, Half Time lunches are the perfect solution for a quick and health-ful meal.
Check HERE for location and availability.
Click HERE for a printable coupon.
What do you reach for when you need a quick lunch for your kids?
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