Training and Injury Update

Last week was the best week of running I've had since Reach the Beach. I was able to log 21 miles with absolutely no discomfort, and some of that was on rolling terrain which involved a bit of downhill running (those seem to be the biggest aggravators for the tendonitis in my calf). For the past three weeks I've been pretty conservative: running only every other day and no more than 4 miles. I think that, coupled with stretching and just easy running has helped a great deal. I'm far from 100% and think if I were to go out and "test" my calf on an 8-10 miler it would give me some problems. So I'm going to keep the runs 6 miles and shorter for the next two weeks, and since I'm only running the CHaD 5K intend of the half I really have no reason to push it past 6 miles. I've been incorporating Kettlebell workouts into my routine: taking Tuesday and Thursday to cross train, which has been a nice change of pace.

Here's how my training broke down for last week:

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Monday: Three miles on the treadmill and then an almost 4 hour hike with my kids up Mt. Major. we were using at as a leaf collecting hike. The weather was gorgeous and I loved having my little hiking buddies along with me.





Tuesday: took the day off. My shoulders were so sore from carrying the pack with Jack in it. I decided to skip the Kettlebell workout.

Wednesday: Four easy miles on one of my favorite neighborhood loops up on the ridge nearby. I haven't been running it recently because I have been avoiding the big hill I have to run down to get back home. I passed a walker while I was running and she turned and said: "I haven't seen you in a while! I thought you moved!" She's a very sweet lady who I saw nearly every morning while I was truing  I explained the tendonitis situation, but thought it was so sweet that she noticed I'd been missing my morning runs up on the ridge.

Thursday: Crosstraining kettlebell workout. Four rounds of: 

15 KB Thrusters 

15 KB swings 

1 min plank circuit 

8/8 KB rows 

8/8 KB high pull 

1/4 mi run

Friday: Five miles on the treadmill.

Saturday: A quick 3 on the road.

Sunday: A nice five miler in the chilly morning on rolling terrain. Really pleased that I could run on rolling terrain with no calf issues.

As for the PT, I haven't been nearly as diligent as I was prior to RTB. I'm probably getting my work done twice a week and one of those includes my PT session. Before I was religiously doing my PT moves at least 6 days a week.

This time around the PT has me focusing more on stretching my hips, the IT Band and calf as well as the sciatic nerve. I'm also continuing with eccentric calf exercises to target the muscles weakened by tendonitis.

Stretches to open the hips.

Stretches to open the hips.

Overall I'm feeling more like my running-self and pleased that the tendonitis in my calf isn't so bad that I can't continue to run. For that I'm very grateful. Fall is a beautiful time to run and there's now better way to see the changing leaves than on foot.

How is your training going? If you've been in PT, do you keep up with your strengthening and stretching moves?
