Training Update: The end of summer

Last week's running was pretty spectacular. Not only did I run in a beautiful place, but each run (with the exception of Wednesday's track workout) felt strong. And I was able to run my longest run in over a month! I managed eight, pain and discomfort-free miles on Saturday morning. I also realized on Friday that I had run 10 days in a row between Tuesday of the week before and Thursday of last week. I think my popliteus and plantaris muscle are on the mend and much of the tendonitis has subsided. I did notice that on Sunday's two miler my calf on my right side felt fatigued, but there was no discomfort.

Here's how the running stacked up:



Monday: 2 mile tempo at sunset. one mile warm up followed by two miles at tempo pace. managed the first mile in 6:38 and the second in 6:33 (was shooting for 6:30). I stopped at 1.3 miles and had to give myself a little pep-talk to keep going. One mile cool down.

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Tuesday: 4 recovery miles at sunrise. the pace was easy and I felt pretty strong.

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Wednesday: 3 easy miles (followed by cross training) in the morning and then nearly 5 miles on the track in the evening. The track workout was one of my favorites, a short ladder workout: 200, 300, 400, 600, 600, 400, 300, 200 with a 200 jog between (for a total of 4.6k). It was the hottest day of the summer so far and still 87 degrees at 6pm with a boat load of humidity. I really struggled on the first set and then opted for a standing rest instead of a 200 jog recovery on the second set. Despite feeling incredibly winded I felt smooth in my turnover and a bit like I was flying. I'm pretty sure that has come this year thanks to countless foot and form drills. My splits reflected how poorly I felt: 40; 106:; 1:47; 2:30; 2:40; 1:48; 1:12; 36. I finished the day with 7.6.

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Thursday: I was joined by a friend for a run from Wells Beach to Ogunquit North Beach. It's a pretty run that takes you along the beach. The breeze was stiff and though it cooled us off it kept catching the double stroller like a sail and really making me work! I felt pretty breathless despite the flat terrain.

Friday: off (ten days in a row of running decided a day off before my 8 miler was a good idea)

Saturday: Eight miles at sunrise. These miles felt strong and smooth. After the run I felt so great. I'd actually covered some real distance for the first time in months. I was feeling so good and also hoping to get in a little Reach the Beach prep, that I opted for a second run later in the afternoon. I pushed Jack for just shy of 3 miles, to finish the day with almost 11 miles. My calf didn't bother me at all!

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Sunday: A quick two miler followed by PT and cross training. I was very pleased that my calf didn't bother me on Saturday, but it was feeling tired on Sunday so I opted to take the following Monday off.

We are back home this week and prepping for fall. Hard to believe the summer is drawing to a close, but what a fantastic way to end it with such a great string of runs in a beautiful place.

Are you ready for fall? Or holding on to summer for all it's worth? How is your training going? Any big fall race plans?


I love connecting with readers! You can find me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


