"Embrace the Hill" T-Shirt Winner



First off I want to say a HUGE congratulations to one of my coaching clients and friend, Sarah H. who ran a PR at the Nike Women's Half Marathon in Washington DC yesterday. She set out with the goal or breaking 2 hours and crossed the line in 2:00:03! Just a few seconds shy, but still a PR. Way to go Sarah!


When I first posted asking people to share what "Embrace the Hill" means to them I hoped that people would continue to share some of the amazing stories that had already been shared on Instagram and Facebook. But I was blown away by some of the amazingly heartfelt and inspirational stories that came in. [You can read them all HERE.] I wish I could give everyone a t-shirt for their bravery and the grace with which they are tackling the "hill" in their own lives. Seriously, you women are AMAZING and STRONG! But there is only one winner, chosen at random and that is Tina K.! Thank you for so honestly and beautifully sharing your story.

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Stay tuned to the blog to hear when pink "Embrace the Hill" shirts will be available in the shop!


I love connecting with readers! You can contact me here:

Email: RunFarGirl [at] gmail [dot] com


Instagram: instagram.com/runfargirl



Daily Mile:dailymile.com/people/scanney