Training Update

The shit hit the fan over here this weekend. Well, more accurately got lodge in the appendix (not my appendix)--apparently this is what causes appendicitis? I always thought it was swallowing your gum or something, but apparently that is not true. At least that was what the cowboy-boot-clad surgeon said before he cut open my husband .  Anyway...there was a another hill in this journey called life and now my husband is living appendix-less. Or as my four year old says, "they took out his appetite." He is doing well, tired and a little sore, but well. Blips like this in the schedule aren't exactly conducive to marathon training--actually if you think about it "regular" life isn't really conducive to marathon training. It's a real commitment to train for a marathon. I recently heard a Division 1 Cross Country coach say that he never made it to the start line of his first marathon because he didn't "respect the distance." He didn't put in the training that the distance requires.

My goal has been to finish a marathon feeling "triumphant." For me "triumphant" means not feeling like I've been beaten by a bag of bricks. So this time around I'm trying to put in the training that is required to run and finish feeling "triumphant." Getting in that training was a challenge this weekend, but the week leading up to it was mostly good. I fell short of my goal of 57 miles, but I'm calling this a "step-back" week and accepting it for what it was.

Training update llllll

Training update llllll

Monday: Three easy paced recovery miles (after my 20 mile day on Sunday)

Tuesday: Jillian DVD

Wednesday: 1o miles. Intervals on the road. This run was interesting. It was COLD (15 degrees) which made a ladder work of 1600, 1200, 800, 400, 400, 800, 1200, 1600. It wasn't particularly fast...except for the first mile where I had a too-close encounter with a SKUNK! Very grateful I was not sprayed. Phew. Work is work, even it wasn't as fast as it "should have been" it was still beneficial.

Thursday: Woke up to 3 inches of snow. Slogged out 8 miles on the treadmill. 75 min barre class in the afternoon.

stroller runnn

stroller runnn

Friday: A two run day with a 3 mile double stroller run (boy they are getting heavy) and a 7 mile evening run that felt light and fast.

Saturday: 16 was planned. Spent most of the day in the ER and with hubby in recovery after his appendectomy. Ran 8 at 8pm on the treadmill after putting the kids to bed. Then stayed up way to late stretching and watching "Message in a Bottle" (so strange to watch Robin Wright in that movie now that she's in "House of Cards").

Sunday:  10 planned, managed 6 outside miles while everyone else took naps.

How was your training? If you have run a marathon how have you felt after finishing the marathon? Is there a race where you finished feeling "triumphant"?
