Swiftwick Winner and In the News

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Congratulations to Kelly Braund, winner of the Swiftwick $25 gift certificate. Please contact me by Sunday to claim your prize: runfargirl@gmail.com.

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This week our family was featured in the local news WMUR 9. A camera crew came out to our house to interview me about the fundraising I'm doing for the CHaD Hero Half Marathon. They were able to edit out all the awkward bits where I repeated myself and stumbled over my words and managed to make me sound somewhat intelligent. Ha! It was fun. Then Sophia and I had a chance to change into our running clothes and run around a bit. She will be running in the fun run just before the start of my half marathon. Together, we are TEAM CANNEY and have raised close to $7000. l'm just shy of that goal! Thanks to a matching grant from Positive Tracks whatever we raise will be doubled.

(I couldn't figure out how to embed the video so click the link HERE or the picture below to watch it.)

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Daily Mile:dailymile.com/people/scanney