Itching to Run

I'm itching to run. Every time I go out in the car I look at the road and wish I was running along the shoulder. I want to feel my body move: my arms pump, my legs push my breathing heavy. I want to take in what's left of the colorful canopy that covers the roads around my house. I want to run. But, I'm taking my time. It seems like my body felt more "beat up" after this labor end delivery, even though I was in better shape and labor itself was about the same amount of time as my first birth. My pelvic floor, especially felt as if it had taken a beating. Things have felt quite "slack" and "weak." So before I attempt my first run I want to make sure that I've done at least two weeks or more of core and pelvic floor strengthening exercises.

I anticipated this being an issue several months ago and made it a key component in my Post Baby Comeback Plan. Here are a few of the exercises I've been trying to do on a daily basis.

Kegels: I've been doing traditional Kegel Exercises similar to those described by this article from

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Deep Squats: I've been taking it easy with these. I slowly do a set of 10 reps, making sure to isolate the gluteus muscles and power up from the glutes rather than pull myself up with the quads. I stand with a wide stance and drop low so my thigh is slightly below parallel with the floor, the return to a standing position, making sure that my knees do not bend toward the midline or go over my toes.



Leg Raises: To perform the leg raises I lay on the floor with my shoulders lifted slightly to engage the core, then lift my legs from the floor to just below a 90 degree angle. I've found that my lower abs are still relatively strong and I'm able to do 3 sets of 10 reps.



Bird Dogs: Begin on hands and knees on the floor. Raise opposite leg and arm simultaneously engaging the core to keep balance. I've been trying to do as many reps in a minute as possible.



Plank Pose: This is one of my favorite core exercises. Begin in a push up position, making sure that your core is engaged and butt is not elevated. Create a straight line with your body from head to toe. Hold for a minute or more.

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13/1/09 carla pic david poole exercise number 1

Bridge Pose: For this pose lay on your back with you knees slightly bent and feet on the floor. Lift the pelvis toward the ceiling and then lower. I try to focus on using my glutes and core during the lifting. I've been doing 2-3 sets of 12 reps.



In addition to these core exercises I've been doing traditional crunches and bicycles, trying to mix it up to keep it interesting. Pelvic floor and core strength were one of the things I ignored after my first pregnancy and I think I suffered for it. But this time around I have a different approach and if I can be consistent with this for a few more days then I'll be in great shape to head out for a run.

What are your favorite core exercises?
