34 Weeks Pregnant and a "Comeback Plan" Update

It seems that this pregnancy is flying by, just like the summer. It's hard to believe that we're down to just two more weeks in August! But that means just six weeks until I get to meet my little guy! I thought I'd give a little update on how running is going this late in the pregnancy and how I'm doing with my "comeback plans."

Running: Over the past few weeks since I last updated at 30 weeks. I've noticed a drop in my mileage. Mostly due to fatigue and my body's ability to recover. I'm at about 10 miles a week now and that feels about right. It ends up being 3-4 miles three times a week. I'm able to cross train twice a week, so I'm still getting in 5 solid workouts (as long as I'm feeling up for it, there have been some days where I've called off a workout or run because I've been busy cleaning or organizing in preparation for the baby. And honestly, cleaning the whole house feels like a workout these days). Because of my rest days, my runs have been better. I've noticed they are more enjoyable and my legs feel fresh. I've also incorporated walk breaks every mile to two miles. This helps me to go further as well. For example, yesterday I had a great run along the beach. I ran for two miles, walked a quarter of a mile then turn and ran back another two miles. I'm still able to run with the stroller, which amazes me actually. As long as we run on a flat path or road my pace isn't too different from my non-stroller pace. And it feels good to get out there with my daughter. We have a BOB double jogger (which my husband got through a great deal on craigslist) that is waiting in the wings, my daughter keeps asking to run in it with her baby brother. I think she's looking forward to having a stroller buddy:-)

Pace: My pace on road runs has been about 11 minutes per mile, more or less depending on terrain. On the track I've gotten in a 8:56 minute mile, not sure I'll be repeating that one anytime soon:-) But track and treadmill miles are around the 10 to 10:30min/mile pace.

Stride: As I mentioned in my two previous posts, I attended a running workshop with a gait analysis that allowed me to take a look at my stride. Since discovering that I'm an over-striding, heel striker I've been using mental cues to try and change the way I run. I've had some success, as I talked about in THIS post. But I've also noticed an increased tightness, even cramping in my adductors. I'm wondering if it is related to the stride change (trying to lengthen my stride in the back leg and trying to "step behind me") or if it simply has to do with pregnancy and some of the looseness that happens in the hip area. Either way, at the beginning of every run (for the first five minutes or so) I have to stop and stretch until I am able to run comfortably.

Comeback Plan: I talked about my comeback plan a few posts ago HERE and HERE.. In those posts I outlined my intentions to get back into shape after the baby. Two of the major components were strengthening and diet. I talked about how I wanted to incorporate those things now, here's how I'm doing.

Strengthening: I've been making plank poses and deep squats a regular part of my cross training workouts. I'm a big fan of AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible) workouts, because they are easy to put together and can include a wide variety of exercises.

Diet: For the most part I've been sticking to my 30 day plan of eliminating desserts. Thirty days will be up on August 20th and I have successfully eliminated the "lunchtime" dessert but have indulged a few times in desserts after dinner. I can count the number desserts I've had in the past few weeks on one hand and I decided when I set out my plan that if I deviated from it I wasn't going to feel guilty or obsess. So I feel quite proud of the fact that I've been able to both abstain from most desserts and not feel guilty for the ones that I have eaten. I've found that frozen berries are a great substitute for popsicles and ice cream! Nice and cold on a summer night.

As for incorporating more whole foods and less protein bars and shakes, I have been less successful. I swear that the more pregnant I get the less I want to cook. Thankfully my husband is a grill master, so we often have grilled lean meat and then I throw together a salad or something to go along with it. It's the lunches and snacks, where I've had a hard time eating whole foods. I just want to reach for what is there now, and not go through the effort of making something. My go to is eggs and leftover grilled veggies that I scramble together for lunch or a salad with almonds and feta.

This week we're on vacation in Maine and this morning I had two homemade donuts from the local bake shop. It's a tradition. And they were so delicious! But vacation is all about making exceptions:-) And the older I get the more I embrace the fact that life is a lot happier when lived in balance, without extremes.

As I get closer to my due date there's a little bit of apprehension: what will it be like with two kids. But a whole lot of excitement! I can't wait to meet the little boy who is going to make our family of three a family of four!
