Sight Seeing

I've had a friend in town from Arizona, so the last three days I haven't done any running. I feel so crappy. It is amazing how exercise can really make you feel so much better--oh, those endorphins. Even though I haven't got out for a proper run, I'm still exhausted from all the running around we've been doing, trying to see all the sights in the few short days she is here. Add a baby to that mix and it is a lot of pack and upack, in and out, fold and unfold, in regard to the diaper bag, car-seat and stroller; and this is multiple times in a day as we try to get back to the house so Sophia can have at least one of her two naps in her crib. Even though I haven't run or worked out all that hauling certainly has me feeling like I have. Still, I'm hoping that today I can squeeze in a home-workout while Sophia takes her "at home nap" before we head out for the day. We'll see if it happens.