New Resolve
I'm quite proud of myself. We've been on vacation in the Adirondacks for three days now and all three days I have gone running for at least thirty minutes. In the past I've always struggled to maintain my training during vacations, it is after all, vacation and easy to make up reasons why it can wait: "I'll do it tonight." or "I'll feel more like it tomorrow."
I can't completely put my finger on what has changed my resolve. I don't think there is one conclusive factor, rather a combination of a few different things. I was pregnant all last summer and honestly it didn't make for a very fun summer, not because of the heat, but because all the things I enjoy doing in the summer: like running or swimming (I refused to purchase a maternity bathing suit and so shunned ALL bathings suits) I didn't do, and when I did do them, it wasn't that enjoyable: think big belly bouncing with each jarring step and big belly squeezing over the top of a little bathing suit--not exactly "pretty."
So this summer I feel liberated: running is fun, swimming is fun, running and then swimming is even more fun. That is exactly what I did this morning: went for a hot and steamy run and then jumped in the lake upon my return. It was everything I wished I could do last year, but didn't.
But that isn't the only thing that has gotten me out for a run these past few days of vacation. There's also the fact that I've been eating Peanut M&M's and drinking Margaritas like it's my job, so naturally, running becomes a good way from keeping those M's from going to straight to my still slightly squishy belly.
But weight control isn't the only reason why I like to run. Part of the reason my resolve to run was waining in the first place is due to the fact that I was almost exclusively running on the treadmill at the gym, mostly so I could monitor my heart rate, pace and distance with a calculating (and competitive) eye. Since giving birth, I've almost exclusively run OUTSIDE. Which has changed my perspective on running: made it less about "winning" and more about "enjoying the ride," as cliche as that sounds.
I really do like to run…in fact I LOVE to run, especially when its around a beautiful lake in the Adriondacks, pushing my baby girl in front of me with my sister running at my side.